The Green Tea Diet Can Provide Vital Health Benefits

It appears that a green tea diet has some of the same properties that golden elixirs, fountains of youth and magic potions all have. If there is a risk for Alzheimer’s in your family, then a green tea diet may delay the onset of this disease.

This has been the conclusion of a recent study that was done in Britain. It discovered that a green tea diet will inhibit the 3 chemical culprits that are associated with breaking down chemical messengers and forming plaques and protein deposits in your brain.

Who Could Benefit From a Green Tea Diet

During the flu season you should incorporate a green tea diet into your daily routine because it will help you to fight off the flu. This is because the substance in green tea that is known as L-theanine is able to increase your virus-battling cells by 10 times. This will also work if you gargle with green tea.

Another great benefit of the green tea diet is that it will increase your metabolism and oxidize any fat that you may have, without raising your heart rate. This has been proven in a recent scientific paper by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The reason why your heart rate is so important here is because an increased heart rate can lead to adverse cardiac effects.

However, there are only 2 ways in which you can actually get rid of fat: by dieting or by exercising. If you are unable to diet, then the green tea diet may be just what you have been looking for as it will allow you to expend energy without a lot of exercise. Combine that with the fact that it is all natural and you have got yourself a winner.

The Concluding Facts About a Green Tea Diet

If you love the idea of a green tea diet but simply cannot stand the taste of tea then you should know that there are green tea pills that you can take as a dietary supplement. These usually come in 500 mg. capsules that you should take 2 or 3 times a day. There is no bitter aftertaste with these capsules either.

So, regardless of how you take green tea, the benefits of a green tea diet simply cannot be ignored. Of course, it is possible to ignore these facts but why would you want to?


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