Where Are All The Hybrid Cars?

When hybrid cars first hit the market, they were touted as the vehicle that was going to take us into the future. Finally, every science fiction writers dream had come true a fuel-efficient car. Why, then, isnt a hybrid car in every drivers garage? The answer to that is simple, and it has to do with human nature.

You may think that 제네시스gv80리스 since hybrid cars and other more fuel-efficient models have failed to become omnipresent, something strange is going on. Some people assumed that the technology would be in wide use once it was available because it made sense for the environment. These cars were good for us. Therefore, we would use them, gv70 right?

Beets are good for us too, but think about how many people eat fries and cheeseburgers instead of beets. Fast food is more pleasant and its gv60중고 more convenient. When you keep this idea in mind, the reason why gasoline-powered vehicles are still so popular begins to make sense.

Manufacturers have a particular infrastructure set up to produce a certain type of vehicle. To 카니발 change this infrastructure would mean refurbishing factories, which would take a lot of money. In addition, manufacturers arent sure that, if they did...

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